
Vaccination Policy

Written by Delia Corol | Jun 2, 2021 12:54:04 PM


The more staff and patients who have their Covid-19 vaccinations, the safer we will all feel at the clinic. We ask that all patients attending appointments at HSFC have their vaccinations when they are offered. The safety of you and your babies is our top priority - please see below for our vaccination guidelines.



- Ideally, patients should have had at least one dose (if possible, both doses) of their vaccination prior to commencing treatment. Any vaccine dose should be administered at least 3 days prior to starting treatment to ensure there are no adverse reactions.


- If you have been offered your first dose but you are about to start treatment, we advise you to take the vaccine even if this means significantly delaying your treatment.


- If you are already pregnant, or have already started your treatment, we recommend waiting until the second trimester before you have your vaccination (whether it is your first or second dose).


- Given the concerns over clotting with the AstraZeneca vaccine, we recommend that patients have the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines if possible.



For more information about vaccines, please see the guidance below:




Please refer to this page for a full HSFC Covid Statement.