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Leading Success rates for all ages

We welcome everyone

 Our success rates are a result of our investigatory approach and tireless pursuit for the right fertility pathway for each and every client.

  • We welcome all patients seeking a family regardless of age, gender, medical history, culture and BMI.  We believe that with the right information there is always a solution and we aim to support that successful pregnancy on your first cycle.  
  • We don't self- select our patients to drive our results.
  • That's why we explore everything when we meet patients and leave no stone unturned.  We don't advocate a pricing strategy based upon 3 cycle packages as we focus on ensuring the first treatment pathway is the optimal, reducing the risk of any failed cycles and emotional turmoil.
  • We strive for continuity of care throughout allowing us to build a strong knowledge and understanding of every patient.
  • We share patient cases across all Consultants in daily meetings to optimise our learning. 
  • Information on success rates is of limited value in comparing centres and choosing where to seek treatment. For HFEA guidance on choosing a clinic, please click here
  • For National Statistics across the UK, please see HFEA website here

Our Success Rates

Clinical pregnancy rate per embryo transfer

Please note: we primarily perform frozen embryo transfers and so the data shown are for frozen embryo transfers.

Raw numbers: embryo transfers 104, clinical pregnancies 62.


All ages with PGT-A

Clinical pregnancy rate


Women of all ages

Clinical pregnancy rate


Women under 35

Clinical pregnancy rate


Women over 40

Clinical pregnancy rate

National average clinical pregnancy rate per embryo transfer for all ages: 40%

Source : HFEA 2021

Clinical pregnancy rate per embryo transferred

Raw numbers: embryos transferred 115,  clinical pregnancies 62.

Figures shown are for frozen embryo transfers.


All ages

Clinical pregnancy rate per embryo transferred


< 35 years

Clinical pregnancy rate per embryo transferred


35- 37 years

Clinical pregnancy rate per embryo transferred

National average clinical pregnancy rate per embryo transferred for all ages: 35%

Source: HFEA 2021

About the data

Please note the above data are from the Harley Street Fertility Clinic’s 2022 treatment cycles  (source: HFEA;; 2022).

The data detail clinical pregnancy rates, not live births which are the final outcomes. Hence, this data is incomplete and yet to be verified.

We have chosen to display clinical pregnancies as these reflect the most up to date clinical performance. Since live birth outcomes have a significant lag of approximately 2 years to obtain the data. One should expect a drop of approximately 10% from clinical pregnancy to live birth, owing to miscarriages and still births.

There are many factors to be considered when choosing the right clinic for you.  Understanding the benefits of each clinic and their clinical ethos for achieving the best outcome for patients is very important.  For further comparison information, please refer to the HFEA’s website.


live birth rate per embryo with PGTa

Triple your chances of success with PGT-A

Our research into eggs collections, embryo transfers and miscarriages shows that successful pregnancies double when PGTa testing has been applied.   In particular with women over the age of 38 years. 

We’ve helped many partners, individuals and LBGTQ+ couples start their family since we opened our clinic in 2010 and we have some of the highest success rates for IVF in the country.

pink key_ IVF without PGT-A

Blue key IVF with PGT-A

Please note: the data shown in this graph are from the American Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) [Source: SART 2016]


Discover more about PGT-A