Is follicular tracking right for me?
If you’re just starting out on your journey to parenthood, follicular tracking could be a good beginner treatment. With no stimulation or very mild stimulation of your ovaries with drugs (as in IVF for example) it could be easier physically and financially. However, as with all our treatments, our approach is focused on thoroughly understanding you and your unique fertility health before recommending a treatment plan.
Statistics at Harley Street
The pregnancy rate for conception using this method is rather low (less than 10%). However, we would only recommend this approach if we believed it was the best option for you.

The follicular tracking process and what to expect
Step 1: A fertility check-up
We put every patient on the best possible treatment plan with the highest chance of success. That process starts with our thoughtful and thorough screening, which is focused on understanding you and your fertility health. We’ll then advise you on any pre-treatment preparations depending on the results.

Step 2: Monitoring
Around day 8 to 10 of your cycle (day 1 being the first day of your period) we will ask you to check for ovulation using a home ovulation test kit or we might directly arrange an ultrasound scan. With the scan we’ll check the size of the follicle(s) and the thickness and nature of your endometrium, which is the lining of your uterus.
We might arrange further scans to monitor the development of your follicle(s) and endometrium.

Step 3: Ovulation
When your follicle reaches a size of 16 mm in diameter, we’ll ask you to start trying at home. If required, we might give you an injection to trigger ovulation.

"I am so thankful to Dr Venkat to be sitting here now, 13 weeks pregnant"

Additional fertility treatments

Advanced Fertility Treatments
