Having a family with a frozen embryo transfer (FET)
We’ll use the latest techniques to maximise your chances of success and minimise your time to a successful pregnancy.
Statistics at Harley Street
Embryos, frozen at the blastocyst stage by vitrification, are very robust and we have a greater than 95% freezing and thawing survival rate.
Frozen embryo transfers with euploid blastocysts have the greatest possible chance of achieving a healthy pregnancy and live birth. We see pregnancy rates of 50% across all ages and 60% for women who were under 35 at the time of freezing the embryos.
Pregnancy rate

The FET process and what to expect
Step 1: A fertility review

Step 2: Pre-treatment preparation
This step will vary according to your individual requirements based on your initial results. This may include an endometrial scratch, immune-modulatory therapies, hysteroscopy, endometrial analysis and preparation.
However, this step is crucial in maximising your chances of success.

Step 3: Monitoring

Step 4: Transferring the embryos

Step 5: Post embryo transfer care

FET process

“Thankful to you all at Harley Street“
Other fertility treatments

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