Intra-uterine insemination (IUI) treatment
A fertility treatment known as “artificial insemination” that involves carefully placing good quality sperm inside the womb.
Is IUI right for me?
Who’s it for
You might want to use IUI if…
- You’ve experienced unexplained fertility
- You have mild endometriosis but open fallopian tubes
- You have mild male factor infertility
- You have cervical hostility
- You struggle with full penetrative intercourse
- You’re in a same sex female relationship using donor sperm
Statistics at Harley Street

The IUI process and what to expect
Step 1: A fertility check-up

Step 2: Natural, modified natural or stimulated
The next step in the process will depend on what route you decide to take:
In natural IUI you’ll use a home testing kit to check for ovulation. Once the kit indicates you’re ovulating, we’ll confirm this with an ultrasound scan and then perform the IUI.
In modified natural, we’ll monitor the development of follicles and uterus lining by ultrasound. When you’re ready, we’ll administer an injection to trigger ovulation before performing the IUI.
In a stimulated cycle, provided an initial scan shows your ovaries are clear, we’ll ask you to start some tablet to induce follicle growth. We’ll monitor the development of follicles and uterus lining by ultrasound. When you’re ready, we’ll administer an injection to trigger ovulation before performing the IUI.

Step 3: Preparing the sperm

Step 4: Insemination

IUI process

“Giving up after 10 failed IVFs was not an option”
Eilidh, IUI treatment
Other fertility treatments

Endometrial Scratch

IVF Using Donor Eggs