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Fertility support from our family to yours
Fertility treatment can be physically challenging and emotionally draining, so we’ve put together this guide to help support you on the journey ahead.

Taking care of you every step of the way
For many couples, learning that their only way to conceive is by undertaking fertility treatment can feel like an emotional blow. And yet, some couples emerge from the challenge of fertility treatment even stronger than they were before.
How you cope with your treatment and how much support you need is entirely personal to you. But whether you’re in the middle of treatment or thinking about your first cycle, the content below is there to help you navigate your journey and feel more in control along the way.
Helpful tips
1. Keep talking
It may be a cliché, but good communication is the key to a strong relationship. No one will know better than your partner what you are going through, so keeping them in the loop of how you’re feeling is crucial, it’s also highly likely that they’re feeling the same way too. So, don’t distance yourselves from one another but talk to each other in a way that is non-critical and non-judgemental. Communication is vital throughout the whole process – don’t stop sharing your thoughts and concerns if things are not going the way you had hoped.
2. Work together
It’s normal at times to feel slightly stressed, sad or even overwhelmed during the fertility process. Don’t chastise yourselves or one another for feeling this way. Facing and accepting your emotions can help you move beyond them. One or both partners may blame the other for their infertility issues and this in turn can cause problems. Try working together as a team instead of being on opposite sides – help each other through this time. By taking care of each other emotionally, you can work through most problems.
3. Empower yourself
There is power in knowledge. Many patients can feel a sense of powerlessness during treatment, but educating yourselves on aspects of the process can help you regain a sense of control. Do your own research beforehand and make a list of questions to ask your medical team. Make sure that you and your partner know as much as each other and never leave one partner in the dark. Both of you need to know what is happening to make informed decisions. The more you both know and understand, the less stress you are both likely to feel. Start by exploring our FAQs, IVF explained and jargon buster.
4. Prepare for all outcomes
You’ll feel better and more in control if you set your limits in advance regarding what measures you are prepared to take. It’s also important to think about how you’ll feel if your treatment is unsuccessful. Think about the number of cycles you are willing or able to do, and how much time and money you are willing and able to invest. Sit down with each other and develop a financial plan to allay any monetary concerns.
5. Take time out
Being treated for fertility can sometimes feel like a full-time job, so it’s important to make sure you’re still taking the time to do the other activities that you love and perhaps even brought you together in the first place. Don’t neglect hobbies that bring you and your partner pleasure. This will also help to take your mind off the treatment. As time goes by, couples can start to lose hope, and this feeling can be all-consuming. Try planning a ‘date night’ once a week and make an effort to talk about different things.
6. Decide who to tell
Telling friends and family may act as support for some people, whereas others may feel it puts them under more pressure. Make sure that both you and your partner are happy with who knows what and when. Decide in advance who you will tell about your procedures and identify key friends and family who will provide you with the support you need whether before, during or after treatment.
7. Avoid added stress
It’s best to avoid as much stress as possible in other areas of your life. Important decisions, such as a house move or a new job, may need to be put on hold or settled first to avoid additional stress. You both need to be aware, and most of all, happy with this at the start of your journey. It’s also important to anticipate decisions that are likely to arise during your treatment and it may be easier for you and your partner if these are made ahead of time. Sometimes life takes over and unplanned events occur. You may find that acupuncture may help relieve stress in these situations.
Harley Street Fertility Clinic

Real stories from our clinic
Although everyone’s fertility journey is unique, there is one thing our patients all share – the dream of becoming a parent. You can read about some of their personal stories and their experiences with us below.

Feel more informed
Fertility treatment can be confusing and sometimes even a little overwhelming, so we’ve put together a collection of useful blog articles and podcasts to help you navigate all the jargon and feel more informed.

Counselling support
Some couples may welcome some external support and impartiality, especially if their relationship is being strained by the process. An experienced counsellor like Mollie can help you navigate each others feelings and get you back on track.
Supportive information

Support your fertility journey with the help of Maria Rossi, our experienced 5-Element Acupuncturist.

Learn how to optimise your diet to increase your fertility levels with Nutritionist Dr Divya Manglam.

Support your fertility journey with the help of Maria Rossi, our experienced 5-Element Acupuncturist.

Learn how to optimise your diet to increase your fertility levels with Nutritionist Dr Divya Manglam.