Specialised IVF treatments
We support your personal journey to conceive with a range of specialist treatments that can supplement your next IVF cycle, enhance your chances of and reduce your time to a successful pregnancy.
A tailored approach
Specialised IVF treatments

Genetic Testing (PGT) for embryos

Advanced Embryology

Endometrial Scratch

Surgical Sperm Retrieval

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

Select the healthiest sperm with IMSI
Still Unsure?
You might find our frequently asked questions useful.
When it comes to fertility treatments, there's so much to think about and it's normal to have a lot of questions. these are some of the things we get asked most often:
How long does the IVF process take ?
IVF treatment plans are unique to each patient and treatment pathways can be effected by the way each patient reacts to stimulation medications. Treatments can be from can take from 12 weeks through to 24 weeks from initial consultation to pregnancy scan.
Following your fertility consultation you will receive a defined pathway with estimated timings.
Given that every patient reacts differently and has varying commitments in their life, it is wise to allow 6 months for the process.
Will I meet the same doctor regularly ?
How do I know your treatment pathway is the best for me ?
Essentially you can't get guarantees with IVF . However our success rates are testament to our approach at Harley Street. We will explore every aspect of your history and recommend further tests to ensure we have all the evidence at the beginning. This allows us to reach the optimum treatment pathway for you and not leave any element to chance. Patients can suffer set-backs at any stage of the pregnancy which is what we safeguard against. Our early tests and specialised investigations may feel time consuming and can add cost but it is the best way to ensure you have baby.
Each patient is seen consistently by one doctor so solid evidence can be built up . What's more our Doctors meet daily and discuss every patient to ensure there is group learning and thoroughness.