Our Price list
We understand fertility treatment can be a long journey both financially and emotionally. So whether you’re just about to start treatment or embark on your next cycle, you can trust that you have the support of a clinic that’s rated best value in London and scored 5/5 by the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA).
Below you’ll find a summary price list for the services we provide most often. Just bear in mind that if this is your experience with our clinic, then we’ll need to carry out an initial consultation and investigation first to understand you and your unique fertility health. Only then will we recommend a treatment plan – one that gives you the highest possible chance of success.
*Please note that terms & conditions, cancellation terms and payment terms apply to all clinical bookings * ( see below)
Consultations and check-ups
Initial Consultation
Follow-up consultation ( 30minutes)
Standard female fertility check-up
• Initial Consultation
• Baseline Scan (D2-5 Ivic Scan)
• Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) blood test
• Follow-up consultation to discuss results
Please note that during your initial consultation, your consultant may advise you to have further investigations that are relevant to you. These investigations will increase your chances of success and could be critical to your ongoing treatment protocol.
This check-up is suitable for women not currently trying to conceive, i.e. those looking to test their fertility or freeze eggs.
Comprehensive female fertility check-up
Standard tests:
• Initial Consultation
• Baseline Scan (D2-5 Ivic scan)
• Hormone blood tests
(AMH, FSH, LH, Oestradiol (E2), Prolactin, Thyroid function (TSH, FreeT4), Vitamin D)
• Follow-up consultation to discuss results
Please note that during your initial consultation, your consultant may advise you to have further investigations that are relevant to you. These investigations will increase your chances of success and could be critical to your ongoing treatment protocol.
This check-up is suitable for women intending to conceive.
Semen analysis
Review consultation after semen analysis
Fertility check-up for couples
• Initial Consultation
• Ultrasound Scan (D2-5)
• Hormone blood tests
(AMH, FSH, LH, Oestradiol, Prolactin, TFT, Vitamin D)
• Semen analysis
• Follow-up consultation to discuss results
Please note that during your intial consultation, your consultant may advise you to have further investigations that are relevant to you.
Female same sex couple comprehensive fertility check-up
Initial Consultation (virtual or in clinic)
2 ultra sounds
2 comprehensive hormone profiles
Follow-up consultation and recommended patient pathway
Male same sex couple fertility check-up
Initial Consultation (virtual or in-clinic)
Semen analysis or both or provider
Follow consultation: recommendation for pathway to create embryo's using donor eggs and PGT-A testing for freezing and storage. Guidance on surrogate agencies .
Price shown based upon one semen analysis for provider. Additional £150 for couple to be tested.
Funding your Treatment
Cycle Cancellation
- Pre-treatment & consent consultation to complete consent forms and teach injections
- Monitoring ultrasound scans and blood tests during treatment
- HFEA fees (if applicable)
- Intra-uterine insemination
- 1x pregnancy test
- Review consultation & counselling session in the event of a negative outcome
Hycosy (recommended for IUI treatment)
Embryo freezing - IVF freeze all
- Treatment preparation session
- Monitoring ultrasound scans and blood tests during stimulation
- HFEA fees
- Egg collection and, sedation for egg collection
- Sperm preparation and fertilisation of eggs
- Embryo culture to day 6
- Laser assisted hatching of embryos (if required)
- Timelapse embryo culture (Embryoscope®), Embryo assessment and selection by AI (CHLOE) Vitrification of embryos
- Fertility support (elective, 2 sessions)
- Review consultation
IVF - fresh transfer*
- Pre-treatment & consent consultation
- Monitoring ultrasound scans and blood tests during stimulation
- HFEA fees
- Egg collection and, sedation for egg collection
- Sperm preparation and fertilisation of eggs
- Embryo culture to day 6
- Laser assisted hatching of embryos (if required)
- Fertility support (elective, 2 sessions)
- Embryo transfer with Embryoglue®
- 1x Progesterone test
- 1x pregnancy test
- 1x early pregnancy scan
- Review consultation
Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
- Pre-treatment & consent consultation
- Monitoring ultrasound scans and blood tests during treatment
- HFEA fees
- Thawing of embryos and embryo culture
- Laser assisted hatching of embryos (if required),
- Embryoscope®
- Embryo transfer with Embryoglue®
- Fertility support (elective, 2 sessions)
- 1x Progesterone test, 1x pregnancy test
1x early pregnancy scan - Review consultation
Egg Freezing
- Pre-treatment & consent consultation
- Monitoring scans and blood tests during stimulation
- Egg collection & sedation for egg collection
- Egg freezing by vitrification
- 1x check-up scan following egg collection
- Review consultation
3 cycle egg freezing package
- Pre-treatment & consent consultation
- Monitoring scans and blood tests during stimulation
- Egg collection & sedation for egg collection
- Egg freezing by vitrification
- 1x check-up scan following egg collection
- Review consultation in the event of a negative outcome
Egg freezing for egg share donors
- Pre treatment & consent consultation
- Monitoring scans and blood tests during stimulation
- Egg collection & sedation for egg collection
- Egg freezing by vitrification
- 1x check-up scan following egg collection
- Review consultation
Thawing of frozen eggs, ICSI and transfer
- Pre treatment & consent consultation to complete consent forms and teach injections
- Monitoring ultrasound scans and blood tests during treatment
- HFEA fees
- Thawing of eggs
- Sperm preparation & fertilisation of eggs by ICSI
- Embryo culture to day 6
- Laser assisted hatching of embryos (if required)
- Timelapse embryo culture (Embryoscope®)
- Embryo assessment and selection by AI (Fairtility)
- Embryo transfer with Embryoglue®
- 1x Progesterone test, 1x pregnancy test
- 1x early pregnancy scan
- Review consultation in the event of a negative outcome
Thawing of frozen eggs, ICSI and freeze all
- Pre treatment & consent consultation to complete consent forms
- HFEA fees
- Thawing of eggs
- Sperm preparation & fertilisation of eggs by ICSI
- Embryo culture to day 6
- Laser assisted hatching of embryos (if required)
- Timelapse embryo culture (Embryoscope®),
- Embryo assessment and selection by AI (Fairtility)
- Embryo freezing by vitrification
- Review consultation
IVF treatment with donor eggs
- Pre-treatment assessment of donor
- Ovarian stimulation for donor, including medications and monitoring
- Egg collection for donor, including sedation for egg collection
- Pre treatment & consent consultation
- Synchronisation of cycles (if required)
- Monitoring ultrasound scans and blood tests during stimulation
- HFEA fees
- Sperm preparation and fertilisation of eggs by ICSI
- Embryo culture to day 6
- Advanced embryology [Laser assisted hatching of embryos (if required), Embryoscope®, Fairtility AI®]
- Fertility support (elective, 2 sessions)
- Embryo transfer, including Embryoglue®
- 1x progesterone test,
- 1x pregnancy test,
- 1x early pregnancy scan
- Review consultation
Embryo freezing with donor eggs
- Pre-treatment assessment of donor
- Ovarian stimulation for donor, including medications and monitoring
- Egg collection for donor, including sedation for egg collection
- Pre treatment & consent consultation
- HFEA fees
- Sperm preparation and fertilisation of eggs by ICSI
- Embryo culture to day 6
- Advanced embryology [Laser assisted hatching of embryos (if required), Embryoscope®, Fairtility AI®]
- Embryo freezing by vitrification
- Review consultation
IVF with donor eggs using a known egg donor
- Ovarian stimulation for donor, including medications and monitoring
- Egg collection for donor, including sedation for egg collection
- Pre treatment & consent consultation
- Synchronisation of cycles (if required)
- Monitoring ultrasound scans and blood tests during stimulation
- HFEA fees
- Sperm preparation and fertilisation of eggs
- Embryo culture to day 6
- Advanced embryology [Laser assisted hatching of embryos (if required), Embryoscope®, Fairtility AI®]
- Fertility support (elective, 2 sessions)
- Embryo transfer, including Embryoglue®
- 1x progesterone test,
- 1x pregnancy test,
- 1x early pregnancy scan
- Review consultation
IVF for egg share donors - no charge
- Pre treatment & consent consultation
- Monitoring scans and blood tests during stimulation
- HFEA fees
- Egg collection & sedation for egg collection
- Sperm preparation and fertilisation of eggs
- Embryo culture to day 6
- Advanced embryology [Laser assisted hatching of embryos (if required), Embryoglue®, Embryoscope®, Fairtility AI®]
- Embryo transfer
- Fertility support (elective, 2 sessions)
- 1x Progesterone test, 1x pregnancy test
1x early pregnancy scan - Review consultation in the event of a negative outcome
Reciprocal IVF*
- Pre treatment & consent consultation for both partners
- Monitoring ultrasound scans and blood tests during stimulation for both partners
- HFEA fees
- Egg collection and, sedation for egg collection; Sperm preparation and fertilisation of eggs
- Embryo culture to day 6
- Laser assisted hatching of embryos (if required)
- Fertility support (elective, 2 sessions)
- Embryo transfer with Embryoglue®
- 1x Progesterone test,
- 1x pregnancy test,
- 1x early pregnancy scan
- Review consultation
Reciprocal IVF for egg share donors
- Pre treatment & consent consultation
- Monitoring ultrasound scans and blood tests during stimulation;
- HFEA fees
- Egg collection and, sedation for egg collection
- Sperm preparation and fertilisation of eggs
- Embryo culture to day 6
- Advanced embryology [Laser assisted hatching of embryos (if required), Embryoscope®, Fairtility AI®]
- Acupuncture (elective, 1 session)
- Fertility support (elective, 2 sessions)
- Embryo transfer with Embryoglue®
- 1x Progesterone test,
- 1x pregnancy test,
- 1x early pregnancy scan
- Review consultation
Surrogacy with donor eggs
Surrogacy IVF with intended mother's eggs
Additional procedures
Cyst aspiration
Endometrial biopsy
Endometrial scratch & saline hysterogram
Operative hysteroscopy (incl. sedation & histology)
Intralipid infusion
Mock embryo transfer
Monitoring (mock) cycle
Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT): SAFE test
Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT): Panorama
Surgical sperm retrieval – PESA/TESA
Saline hysterogram
EMMA test
Triple Test
Advanced investigations in addition to comprehensive female check-up as advised by fertility consultant.
- midcycle pelvic scan,
- HyCoSy tubal patency test
- 3D saline infusion scan SIS
Read more about triple test
Laboratory procedures
IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
ICSI for egg share donors
IntraCytoplasmic Morphologically-selected Sperm Injection (IMSI), ICSI is also required
Freezing of sperm
Freezing of eggs or embryos by vitrification
Cryogenic storage of embryos, sperm or eggs
Storage charges: £360 per year for up to 12 vials of sperm, 10 embryos, or 30 eggs. For quantities exceeding these limits, an additional storage contract will apply, charged at £360 per year
Note : Direct debit mandates to be completed with consents at pre-treatment consultation.
Sperm DNA fragmentation (COMET)
Genetic testing
PGT-A by NGS: additional embryo (per embryo)
Embryo banking – biopsy only (no analysis, per cycle)
PGT-M per additional embryo
Embryo banking (biopsy only, no test) - per cycle
Ultrasound scan
3D/4D Ultrasound scan
Follicular tracking scan
Obstetric pelvic scan with a foetal medicine specialist
Obstetric scan: twin surcharge
Injection administration (per visit)
Needles and syringes for medications purchased elsewhere
Outpatient venepuncture (per visit)
External private prescription
Import of eggs, embryos or sperm (domestic)
Import of eggs, embryos or sperm (international)
Export of eggs, embryos or sperm (domestic)
Export of eggs, embryos or sperm
Blood Tests
P01 (female fertility)
P08 (Thrombotic risk profile & auto-abs)
P10 (female screening)
Holistic/supportive treatments
Fertility support (counselling)
Acupuncture -Initial
Acupuncture - Follow up
NLP therapy
Please note: this price list is effective from 1st July 2024, serves for information purpose only and should not be treated as a formal service agreement. The figures quoted are intended as a guide and are subject to change without notice.
Payment Terms
- In the interest of our patients and staff, we no longer accept cash or cheque payments.
- Payments can be made using bank transfer or by debit/credit card only.
- Payment for all services should be made in advance or at the time the service is rendered
- If your care is being covered by insurance or a third party funder, you will require pre-authorisation or a letter of guarantee otherwise you will need to cover the payment and seek reimbursement.
Terms & conditions *All initial consultations or treatments with a Doctor or fertility clinician require a clinical booking which can be made via by our New Patient Enquiry or patient Coordination Teams over the phone. Payment is required in full at the time of booking for Initial consultations and Fertility Health packages. All treatment invoices must be settled in full prior to treatment. All appointment cancellations less than 24 hours' notice or no shows will carry a minimum charge of £50.Initial Consultations can be paid by credit card by our secure payment merchant provider, Global Payments. Ongoing treatments can be paid via our online payment gateway using your unique patient ID.