2 May 2021
Male fertility
With 1 in 7 couples suffering infertility, it’s time we spoke about men's fertility.
- What does being fertile mean for a man? How do you measure male fertility?
- What might be the reasons for men to worry about their fertility status?
- Are they ways that male fertility can be improved?
- What to do when donor sperm is the only option.
These were just a few questions included in the agenda that were discussed during our webinar on 11th June 2021. As panelist, we had Mr Asif Muneer, MD, BSc, ChB, FRCS (Urol), Consultant Urologist/Male Infertility Specialist, MB, Ms Samantha Knight MRCPath, Embryology Lab Manager, and actor Mr Alex Reid.
Mr Muneer is an expert in general urological conditions, diagnostic urology services and has special interests in male infertility, erectile dysfunction, vasectomy reversal, surgical sperm retrieval, genital cancer and Peyronie’s disease.
Alex Reid and his fiancée, Nicola Manashe joined our HSFC family in December 2019. They were determined to blog their way through their IVF journey, to raise awareness on fertility issues affecting both men and women. Nicola and Alex are now expecting a baby girl. Alex will talk about his fertility journey with HSFC.
To watch a recording of the webinar, please click below.