7 June 2022
Male fertility
When trying for a family, male fertility is often overlooked. Male infertility is a serious matter and should be treated as such. Male infertility means failed embryo transfer due to chromosomal abnormalities, early miscarriages, it means heartache and despair.
Join us for an informative evening to learn about male fertility, what it means and when a man is considered infertile, as well as a male patient's perspective on IVF and male infertiliy.
The esteemed panel included:
- Prof Sheena Lewis (BSc PhD CBiol FRSB), CEO Examen, Honorary Professor Queens University Belfast, Executive Committee Association of Reproductive and Clinical Scientists,
- Ms Samantha Knight, Embyology Lab Manager HSFC,
- Alex Reid, Actor and Fertility Influencer.
The webinar was hosted by Dr Delia Corol, Head of Marketing at Harley Street Fertility Clinic.
Professor Sheena Lewis’ research has been focused on male infertility and in particular sperm DNA damage testing where her goal has been to identify causes of and treatments for male infertility by developing novel biomarkers.
Samantha Knight has been leading the Embryology Lab at Harley Street Fertility Clinic for almost 4 years. She has a wealth of experience in embryology and has helped many patients become parents.
Alex Reid joined our HSFC family in 2019, when him and his fiancée Nicola Manashe started their fertility journey to have baby Anastasia Reid.
The evening consisted of short lectures given by Professor Lewis and Samantha Knight, followed by Alex’s talk about his fertility journey. Q&A were included at the end.
The recording of the event is available to watch below.