22 March 2022
An IVF warrior's journey to motherhood
An IVF warrior’s journey to motherhood involves science, miracles, lots of love and care. It involves blood tests, injections, medications, scans and many visits to the clinic. At times it is an emotional rollercoaster, including euphoria, joy, heartache and the hopes of a healthy baby.
Nicola and Alex joined our HSFC family in 2019 after Nicola suffered a few heart-breaking miscarriages. They are now the proud parents of baby Anastasia.
We hosted an informational evening about their IVF journey that led to their adorable daughter.
Find out what we did differently to achieve the wonderful outcome.
Our panel of experts included:
- Dr Geetha Venkat, Director, who talked about the clinical side of Nicola’s journey – what her blood tests disclosed, the immune treatments;
- Ms Samantha Knight, Embryology Lab Manager, who talked about the importance of the quality of the eggs and sperm, as well as testing the embryos;
- MS Rachel Dyer, Lead Nurse, who talked about the importance of being there for the patient, holding hands, sharing the joy and wiping tears.
- Ms Nicola Manashe, our IVF warrior, who talked about her battle.
Our panel took questions at the end.
To watch the recording, please click below.
If you would like to start your fertility journey with Harley Street Fertility Clinic, please contact us today.