Is ICSI safe?
Is ICSI safe?
ICSI (Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is an invasive technique so it’s understandable if you feel concerned about the procedure and any abnormalities that may result in a child conceived this way. To help you understand what’s involved and what the risks are, we’ve outlined the current research and what we know below.
Research indicates ICSI does not cause birth defects in children conceived with the technique. However, the data show an increased incidence rate of birth defects in children following IVF or ICSI, compared to natural conception. This increase is believed to be caused by factors underlying the parents’ infertility and not the procedure itself. Of course, as an invasive technique, eggs may occasionally be damaged. However, this happens in less than 5% of eggs and damaged eggs are never used in further treatment.
Source: HFEA