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Mr Abiodun (Bio) Fakokunde

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MBBS, MRCOG, FWACS, Consultant Gynaecologist

Dr Fakokunde is a consultant gynaecologist with over a decade of experience in the UK.  He completed his medical school and postgraduate training at the University College Hospital (Ibadan, Nigeria) in 1987. He had further years of postgraduate training in the UK from 1996 to 2005. Dr Fakokunde is an RCOG accredited Minimal Access Surgeon and BSCCP certified Colposcopist.

Dr Fakokunde’s Clinical interests include management of fibroids, ovarian cysts, pelvic pain and endometriosis, outpatient hysteroscopy (diagnostic and operative), laparoscopy surgery, cervical smear and colposcopy, vulva and vaginal repair surgery for utero-vaginal prolapse. He has published articles in peer reviewed journals and presented at many international meetings. Dr Fakokunde is a member of the British Society of Gynaecology Endoscopy; and British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology.

Consulting hours: Tuesday 10am to 2pm