27 September 2023
An appeal for hope: The search for an Indian Egg Donor
“Dear friends,
We are writing to you today with heavy hearts, but hopeful that you may be able to help us in our path to parenthood. You don’t know it yet, but you can play such an important role in our lives with your amazing gift, with your selfless act of giving without expecting anything in return.
Our story is one of hope, determination, resilience and…did we mention hope? The hope that we will find you, the hope that you will help us fulfil our dream of becoming parents!
But first, let us introduce ourselves. We are Raj and Aarika*, both of Indian heritage. We are 38 and 44, we are in love, and we would like to have a child together. It should be simple, really. The word “infertility” was not part of our “plan”, but sadly it is now our reality. As many of you know, a fertility journey is a rollercoaster of emotions. Doctors appointments, medications, hopes, then crushing disappointments – we’ve experienced them all. 4 miscarriages, one ectopic pregnancy and 6 failed IVF cycles- and no baby in our arms.
You might wonder how you can help us. See, we believe that genetics don’t make a family. We believe that what makes a family is pure love, is carrying a child, giving birth to a child, loving and nurturing that child. That’s why we are considering IVF with donor eggs that will help us hold our beloved, precious child in our arms. So here we are today, considering IVF with donor eggs as our last hope for a family of our own.
But here lies the challenge that led us to write to you: finding an Indian egg donor. The importance of preserving our cultural heritage is very important to us, as well as our desire to pass on our own traditions and values to our future child. We believe that every child should have a connection to their roots, and this connection to our Indian heritage means the world to us.
Today we humbly turn to you, the one egg donor who might be reading this appeal. We are searching for an Indian egg donor who is willing to help us fulfil our dream of becoming parents. Is it you?
We understand this is such a personal decision, to become an egg donor, but the clinic, the amazing Harley Street Fertility Clinic, is ready to provide outstanding support, guidance, and information. You will have counselling so you can understand all the implications of your donation. And you will have our forever gratitude for your amazing, selfless act of egg donation.
The donor would need to meet some requirements (age under 36, BMI <30, non-smoker, no inheritable or transmissible diseases). They would receive the normal compensation of £750 for their donation.
Our journey to parenthood has been long and difficult, but we remain hopeful in our belief that there is light at the end of this tunnel. We have faith in the goodness of people and in the power of our community. Together, we can make our dream of becoming parents a reality.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time to read our appeal. Your support and kindness mean the world to us, and we are eternally grateful.
With love, hope and gratitude,
Raj and Aarika”
Can you help Raj and Aarika find an Indian egg donor? Send us an email today.
Read more about egg donation on our website.
*Raj and Aarika’s names and photos have been changed to maintain confidentiality.