August 10, 2022
Introducing a new service
- Same-sex female couple fertility check-up -
If you are a female in a same-sex relationship, when trying to conceive, there are a few options to help you become a parent. Both partners can provide, or donate, eggs, and, using donor sperm, they both can carry the baby.
To help guide your decision making, we recommend a thorough fertility assessment for both of you. HSFC offers a tailor made fertility check-up for same-sex female couples, including:
- clinical consultation to ensure we don’t miss anything
- hormone blood tests (AMH, FSH, LH, Oestradiol, FT4, TSH, Prolactin and Vitamin D) for both
- pelvic ultrasound scans for both
- follow-up consultation to review the results and provide advice
This complete fertility check-up represents a total service value of £1,000 and is offered at the discounted price of £600, thereby saving you 40%.
To take advantage of this offer, please contact us today.