March 31, 2021
Introducing our new offer: Fertility check-up for couples
1 in 7 heterosexual couples are suffering from infertility issues which can affect their chances of having a family. While there is no one to blame, the first step is to assess the fertility status for both partners. A fertility check-up is highly recommended for both partners.
We are delighted to introduce “Fertility check-up for couples”, offered at 10% off individual female and male check-ups. Offer validity: 01/04/2021-30/06/2021
We start with a detailed fertility consultation with one of our highly experienced specialists.
We then perform the following investigations:
For the female:
- A baseline pelvic ultrasound scan (between days 2 and 5 of a 28 day cycle), including antral follicle count, examination of the ovaries and uterus;
- Full hormone profile, including Antimullerian hormone (AMH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteneising hormone (LH), Oestradiol (E2), Prolactin, thyroid function (TSH and Free T4), Vitamin D;
For the male:
A comprehensive semen analysis is performed, including analysis of sperm density (sperm volume and count), morphology (shape) and motility of sperm, as well as the number of motile sperm. These are critical parameters for assessment and diagnosis of male infertility. The analysis also checks for anti-sperm antibodies, indicating any infections present within the sample.
A detailed report of the results is provided and one of our experienced andrologists or embryologists will explain the results to you directly after the analysis is performed.
A follow-up consultation is performed by the same doctor you first saw to discuss results and give you our advice regarding potential treatment.
To find out more about this offer and to book your appointments, please call 0207 436 6838 or email info@hsfc.org.uk. We hope we can help put your mind at rest and allow you the time to make the right decision for you.
Please note this offer is time-limited and our prices are subject to review.