October 31, 2022
National Fertility Awareness Week 2022 - Day 1
It’s known that 1 in 5 people face fertility issues. 1 in 5 people hides behind closed doors, crying for the baby that is not in their arms, after multiple failed IVF cycles. 1 in 5 people is turned away for fertility treatment because of their weight. One in 5 people are devastated by tests results that diagnoses azoospermia, unable to conceive a child with their own sperm. One in 5 people are ashamed to speak with their friends, because their culture has taboos about IVF treatments.
HSFC Family is calling for all IVF warriors’ friends and families.
Be one of the 4 out of 5 people that care about the 1 in 5.
Be one of 4 out 5 people who shares the knowledge with their friends and family.
Be a 4/5 champion, a fertility ambassador fighting for their beloved 1/5.
We are the Harley Street Fertility Clinic, a non-selective and inclusive clinic. We don’t discriminate because of people’s age, sexual orientation or weight. We believe everyone has the right to have a family. We believe in #fertilityfairness.
We are the 5/5 family. The HSFC family.
Watch our walk-in clinic movie to learn more about us. If you would like to become part of our HSFC family, please contact us today.