30 November 2023
Welcome to the world, baby C!
We are delighted to receive news of new IVF babies’ arrivals. You might remember our patients Jenny and David, whose special story to have baby Leah is highlighted in our Patients Stories. Jenny and David are now parents to a second baby, made with love and a bit of science help from Harley Street Fertility Clinic.
Jenny sent us the email below.
“Good Morning Dr Venkat and team, and Maria,
Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know of the safe arrival of baby C. He arrived via planned Cesarian in October, weighing in at 8lb 9oz.
We are all home safe and well and are totally smitten. There are no words to describe the gratitude we feel. I have attached some pictures of baby C..
Very best wishes,
Jenny and David”
Wishing baby C a long and happy life, and congratulations to the new parents. Baby C is joining his sister Leah.
To read how we helped our patients become parents, please read our patients’ stories.
If you’d like to start your fertility journey please contact our friendly team. We would love to help you fulfill your dream of becoming a parent.