June 28, 2022
6 years ago @hsfc_uk changed my world for the better
"After a few years of trying to fall pregnant and having surgery I was told that my one and only remaining tube was too damaged to conceive, that i will never ever fall pregnant naturally, my world fell apart, the thought of never being a mum, carrying a baby broke me in half. Our only option was IVF.
We researched till we couldnt take anymore in and in 2014 we went for our 1st cycle in Czech, I did all the medication and needles in the UK and flew out for the procedure, we came home feeling positive, pregnancy test day came and I was met with a big fat negative. Why? What did I do wrong? I couldnt get my head around it. The answers from the drs was the same, it's not a guarantee.
I was broken and low again, but we researched some more and in 2015 we went to a London clinic and went for cycle 2, we had a great response I produced so many eggs, this was it this was going to work, we did all the injections on time, right dosage, I went in for the embryo transfer, I rested while we did the 2 week wait, the longest wait anyone will ever endure. Pregnancy test day!! Again another big fat negative...
What did I do wrong? Why does this keep happening? Am I not meant to be a mum? I did everything to the book but nothing was working. I was broken, shattered, emotionally drained I couldn't do this anymore. We decided one last cycle, if this didn't work I would have to face fact that carrying a baby would never ever happen. We booked in, we started stimulating, we went to all the scans, we did everything we was meant to.
Then pregnancy day came, I was nervous, shaking, cramping and just knew I was going to hear the words "I negative" I had the bloods drawn and I left the clinic we came home, we kept ourselves busy but kept watching that clock. The clinic called "Nikki, it's Marion.... you're pregnant"
6 years ago @hsfc_uk changed my world for the better x x"
HSFC - changing worlds for the better - one baby at a time!
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