January 14, 2019
Laura and Sarah’s Story
Becoming a family and having children has changed our lives
Laura says, “Ever since I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a mother, and although it took some time and we had some difficulties along the way, I am so happy to say that we are finally a family. We are proud mums to two lovely twin girls – Florence and Phoebe.
We’d both been trying for a while but unfortunately in my first round I miscarried which was heart-breaking for both of us. After this experience, Dr Venkat advised and inspired me to change my diet, get healthy and lose weight. Although it was almost two years until we had IVF treatment again, when we returned to the clinic we quickly became pregnant with our girls. I cannot reiterate how much of a difference getting physically fit and healthy had on my general health and life, it made preparing my body for pregnancy a lot easier.
Going to a clinic that respected and understood how we wanted to create our family was fantastic and allowed both Sarah and I to be fully involved. I carried Sarah’s eggs so we both felt connected to our babies. The staff team was so supportive of us throughout and after our treatment which made a real difference as going through fertility procedures can be exhausting both physically and emotionally. The best part of the treatment was when I found out we were pregnant at the end of last April, and going to scans, because what seemed like a far flung dream was becoming a reality. Becoming a family and having children has changed our lives. Our dream to be a family is finally real, and we wouldn’t change that for the world.”
*Stock picture
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