September 24, 2020
Our family: Nicola on the day before restarting treatment
“I am a mixed bag of emotions, but I cannot wait to see my all-time-favourite, Fairy Godmother, Dr Venkat”
Nicola Manashe, the IVF warrior whose fertility journey with HSFC came to a temporary halt in March 2020, is about to restart her treatment.
Although fertility clinics in London were allowed to reopen in June, the government allowed only some fertility treatments to be resumed. Nicola needed immune treatments to reduce the risk of miscarriage, which could not be performed.
Good news followed in August, and we informed Nicola on her birthday, that the clinic was able to restart immune treatments. Nicola will be sharing details about the emotional phone call our team had with her, in her upcoming podcast.
As of September 2020, our IVF warrior is restarting her treatment.
The present podcast presents Nicola’s raw emotions, the day before her treatment was about to start. You can sense her fear, you can even sense her tears. What you can also sense is her determination to have her precious baby, with some help from her “all-time favourite, Fairy Godmother, Dr Venkat”.
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If you are wondering about Nicola’s fertility journey with HSFC in her quest of becoming a mother, here it is.
“A mixed bag of emotions. I feel numb. Excited to start the lockdown, I can focus on my blogging, something that I love doing. I am loving the community that I built and made some amazing friends all going through a cycle like me. When it comes down to discussing my feelings about my cycle, I am extremely protective of my emotions and try not to be excited because of my past experiences.
I am scared of how my treatment is going to make me feel, how the steroids and intralipids are going to make me feel, going through a mini-menopause. It’s a very scary, surreal time, especially as I can’t see my friends, I can’t socialise, I can’t go out to take my mind off things, I can go for walks. I have to take each day as it comes, have a hot bubble bath, chill, get into my PJs and just focus on tomorrow and seeing my HSFC family.”
Nicola finishes with a message for her HSFC family:
“Guys, get your tea ready for me, and a nice biscuit, can’t wait to see some familiar faces, especially my all-time favourite fairy Godmother Dr Venkat.”
You will find out in a future podcast how she and Alex spent the lockdown, the rollercoster of emotions they underwent and much more!
Fertility treatments, especially IVF treatments, can be hard. Nicola has been an amazing inspiration to a lot of women who are going through IVF journeys and we’d like to give her a big shout out for that!
The team at Harley Street Fertility Clinic is sending her a big virtual hug, to wipe away the tears and to give her even more courage than she already has.
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