May 17, 2021
Our Family: Suelen
"Don't panic, don't rush! Freeze your eggs and relax!"
Does the biological clock really exist? Of course it does, and it ticks louder for some women than it does for others! Most women reach their fertility peak at the age of 30, and as people are becoming increasingly aware of this (and sometimes hoping to have children later in life) more and more women are freezing their eggs in order to future-proof their fertility.
Today’s story is about Suelen, a HSFC patient who recently chose to freeze her eggs so that she could relax and wait for her Prince Charming!
Suelen's story: becoming a patient at HSFC
Suelen came to England 16 years ago from Brazil: “It was a big change coming from the place I grew up, where all my friends were. I didn’t know anyone except my sister. I was cautious of having a boyfriend - I wanted to know more about their background." Eventually, Suelen's parents also moved to the UK, so she wasn't completely on her own for too long.
While in London, Suelen had a few relationships, but none led to marriage or a family. Suelen admits that she didn’t want to rush, so started to explore her options for fertility preservation, so that she could create her dream family at a later date.
“I wanted to find the best place, the best doctor - you cannot gamble with these things. I did my research and HSFC was one of the best. I went to visit and I loved the fertility clinic, the doctors, the nurses. I said, ’yes, this is the place’. I didn’t want to panic. I was only 35, and I wanted to have a family with someone I love.”
Suelen decided to freeze her eggs with HSFC the same year she turned 35. “If I had the chance to have a family with someone, but had no options left, I would never forgive myself.” Suelen tells us that freezing her eggs was “the best investment [she] could do in [her] life.”
The Egg Freezing Procedure
“The procedure was very well explained. I was in the clinic 3 times per week, which was very consistent. The procedure of taking the eggs out wasn’t painful at all.”
Suelen says that at her first egg collection, she was accompanied by her sister. She was surprised that there were no side effects. “It was not painful - not even afterwards. You feel a bit uncomfortable, but that's all. I took it easy but I was absolutely fine.”
The HSFC Staff
Suelen talks about Dr Venkat, telling us that she was “absolutely amazing, just like a mother! She has so much love and care for her patients. She makes you feel so calm and certain that you just go with it - you just want to do it."
"Going through the process is very emotional, especially on your own. I am a strong character, but being strong doesn’t mean not being affected. [The staff] were always there, asking me how I was feeling.” Suelen didn’t have any counselling with us at the clinic, but she had a lot of love from friends and family to help her on the journey. “I involved only a few but they were absolutely fantastic," she says.
Suelen had 10 eggs collected in total: “it only takes one to have a baby, and hopefully one is meant for me!”
An inspiration for young women
We asked Suelen what she would say to young women in a similar position: “Don’t panic. Use technology and science for your own benefit. Fertility preservation is a great option.”
Suelen continues, “I think young women should always explore their options. I don’t panic anymore - I have my eggs as an option now, which is amazing.”
Suelen talked to some of her friends, and told them that freezing their eggs would be the best thing they could do! “I wish I could have done that when I was 30. My life would have been better, more relaxed. I would have probably chosen to enjoy it more.”
A message for Harley Street Fertility Clinic
“I am so happy you exist! I am so happy that 10 years ago, this fertility clinic was created. You have changed and brought happiness to so many families. We are forever grateful to Harley Street Fertility Clinic.”
So if you're worried about the ticking of your biological clock, perhaps take Suelen's advice and consider freezing your eggs. That way, you can relax and wait for the perfect time to start your family.
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